
cortex.quickflat.make_png(fname, braindata, recache=False, pixelwise=True, sampler='nearest', height=1024, bgcolor=None, dpi=100, **kwargs)[source]

Create a PNG of the VertexData or VolumeData on a flatmap.


Filename for where to save the PNG file

braindataDataview (e.g. instance of cortex.Volume, cortex.Vertex, …)

the data you would like to plot on a flatmap


Whether or not to recache intermediate files. Takes longer to plot this way, potentially resolves some errors. Useful if you’ve made changes to the alignment


Use pixel-wise mapping


Number of layers through the cortical sheet to sample. Only applies for pixelwise = True


Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data


Height of the image to render. Automatically scales the width for the aspect of the subject’s flatmap


Value between 0 and 1 for how deep to sample the surface for the flatmap (0 = gray/white matter boundary, 1 = pial surface)

with_rois, with_labels, with_colorbar, with_borders, with_dropoutbool, optional

Display the rois, labels, colorbar, annotated flatmap borders, and cross-hatch dropout?


Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data. Options include ‘trilinear’, ‘nearest’, ‘lanczos’; see functions in for all options

Other Parameters

DPI of the generated image. Only applies to the scaling of matplotlib elements, specifically the colormap

bgcolormatplotlib colorspec

Color of background of image. None gives transparent background.

linewidthint, optional

Width of ROI lines. Defaults to roi options in your local options.cfg

linecolortuple of float, optional

(R, G, B, A) specification of line color

roifilltuple of float, optional

(R, G, B, A) sepcification for the fill of each ROI region

shadowint, optional

Standard deviation of the gaussian shadow. Set to 0 if you want no shadow

labelsizestr, optional

Font size for the label, e.g. “16pt”

labelcolortuple of float, optional

(R, G, B, A) specification for the label color