Colormaps ========= There are a number of colormaps available in pycortex. A full list of those that can be used are below. Accent .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Accent.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Accent_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Accent_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BPROG .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BPROG.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BROYG .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BROYG.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BROYG_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BROYG_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px Blues .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Blues.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Blues_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Blues_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BrBG .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BrBG.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BrBG_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BrBG_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuBkRd .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuBkRd.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuBkRd_alpha_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuBkRd_alpha_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px BuGn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuGn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuGn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuGn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuOr_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuOr_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px BuPu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuPu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuPu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuPu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuWtRd .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuWtRd.png :height: 25px :width: 200px BuWtRd_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuWtRd_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px BuWtRd_black_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/BuWtRd_black_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px CyanBlueGrayRedPink .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/CyanBlueGrayRedPink.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Dark2 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Dark2.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Dark2_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Dark2_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px GnBu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GnBu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px GnBu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GnBu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px GreenWhiteBlue .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GreenWhiteBlue.png :height: 25px :width: 200px GreenWhiteBlue_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GreenWhiteBlue_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px GreenWhiteRed .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GreenWhiteRed.png :height: 25px :width: 200px GreenWhiteRed_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/GreenWhiteRed_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px Greens .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Greens.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Greens_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Greens_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Greys .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Greys.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Greys_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Greys_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J4 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J4.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J4R .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J4R.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J4s .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J4s.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J5 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J5.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J5R .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J5R.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J6 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J6.png :height: 25px :width: 200px J6R .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/J6R.png :height: 25px :width: 200px OrRd .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/OrRd.png :height: 25px :width: 200px OrRd_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/OrRd_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Oranges .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Oranges.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Oranges_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Oranges_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PRGn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PRGn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PRGn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PRGn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PU_BuOr_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_BuOr_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px PU_BuOr_covar_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_BuOr_covar_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px PU_PinkBlue_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_PinkBlue_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px PU_RdBu_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_RdBu_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px PU_RdBu_covar_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_RdBu_covar_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px PU_RdGn_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PU_RdGn_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px Paired .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Paired.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Paired_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Paired_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Pastel1 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Pastel1.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Pastel1_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Pastel1_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Pastel2 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Pastel2.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Pastel2_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Pastel2_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PiYG .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PiYG.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PiYG_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PiYG_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuBu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuBu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuBuGn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuBuGn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuBuGn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuBuGn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuBu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuBu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuOr .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuOr.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuOr_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuOr_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuRd .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuRd.png :height: 25px :width: 200px PuRd_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/PuRd_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Purples .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Purples.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Purples_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Purples_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RGrB_tsi .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RGrB_tsi.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdBu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdBu_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdBu_2D_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_2D_r.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdBu_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdBu_covar2 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_covar2.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdBu_covar_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_covar_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdBu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdBu_r_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdBu_r_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdGn_covar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdGn_covar.png :height: 200px :width: 200px RdGy .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdGy.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdGy_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdGy_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdPu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdPu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdPu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdPu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdYlBu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdYlBu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdYlBu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdYlBu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdYlGn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdYlGn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px RdYlGn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/RdYlGn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Reds .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Reds.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Reds_cov .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Reds_cov.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Reds_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Reds_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Retinotopy_RYBCR .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Retinotopy_RYBCR.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Retinotopy_RYBCR_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Retinotopy_RYBCR_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px Retinotopy_RYBCR_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Retinotopy_RYBCR_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px Set1 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set1.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Set1_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set1_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Set2 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set2.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Set2_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set2_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Set3 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set3.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Set3_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Set3_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Spectral .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Spectral.png :height: 25px :width: 200px Spectral_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/Spectral_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlGn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlGn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlGnBu .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlGnBu.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlGnBu_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlGnBu_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlGn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlGn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlOrBr .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlOrBr.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlOrBr_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlOrBr_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlOrRd .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlOrRd.png :height: 25px :width: 200px YlOrRd_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/YlOrRd_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px afmhot .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/afmhot.png :height: 25px :width: 200px afmhot_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/afmhot_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px autumn .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumn.png :height: 25px :width: 200px autumn_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumn_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px autumn_blkmin .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumn_blkmin.png :height: 25px :width: 200px autumn_blkmin_alpha_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumn_blkmin_alpha_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px autumn_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumn_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px autumnblack .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumnblack.png :height: 25px :width: 200px autumnblack_alpha_2D .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/autumnblack_alpha_2D.png :height: 200px :width: 200px binary .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/binary.png :height: 25px :width: 200px binary_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/binary_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px bone .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/bone.png :height: 25px :width: 200px bone_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/bone_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px brg .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/brg.png :height: 25px :width: 200px brg_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/brg_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px bwr .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/bwr.png :height: 25px :width: 200px bwr_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/bwr_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px cool .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/cool.png :height: 25px :width: 200px cool_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/cool_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px coolwarm .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/coolwarm.png :height: 25px :width: 200px coolwarm_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/coolwarm_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px copper .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/copper.png :height: 25px :width: 200px copper_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/copper_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px cubehelix .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/cubehelix.png :height: 25px :width: 200px cubehelix_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/cubehelix_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px fire .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/fire.png :height: 25px :width: 200px fire_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/fire_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px flag .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/flag.png :height: 25px :width: 200px flag_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/flag_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px freesurfer_aseg_256 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/freesurfer_aseg_256.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_earth .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_earth.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_earth_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_earth_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_gray .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_gray.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_gray_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_gray_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_heat .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_heat.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_heat_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_heat_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_ncar .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_ncar.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_ncar_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_ncar_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_rainbow .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_rainbow.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_rainbow_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_rainbow_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_stern .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_stern.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_stern_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_stern_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_yarg .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_yarg.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gist_yarg_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gist_yarg_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gnuplot .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gnuplot.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gnuplot2 .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gnuplot2.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gnuplot2_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gnuplot2_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gnuplot_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gnuplot_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gray .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gray.png :height: 25px :width: 200px gray_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/gray_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px hot .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/hot.png :height: 25px :width: 200px hot_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/hot_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px hot_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/hot_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px hsv .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/hsv.png :height: 25px :width: 200px hsv_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/hsv_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px inferno .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/inferno.png :height: 25px :width: 200px inferno_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/inferno_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px jet .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/jet.png :height: 25px :width: 200px jet_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/jet_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px magma .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/magma.png :height: 25px :width: 200px magma_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/magma_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px nipy_spectral .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/nipy_spectral.png :height: 25px :width: 200px nipy_spectral_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/nipy_spectral_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px ocean .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/ocean.png :height: 25px :width: 200px ocean_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/ocean_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px pink .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/pink.png :height: 25px :width: 200px pink_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/pink_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px plasma .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/plasma.png :height: 25px :width: 200px plasma_alpha .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/plasma_alpha.png :height: 200px :width: 200px plasma_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/plasma_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px prism .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/prism.png :height: 25px :width: 200px prism_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/prism_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px rainbow .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/rainbow.png :height: 25px :width: 200px rainbow_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/rainbow_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px seismic .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/seismic.png :height: 25px :width: 200px seismic_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/seismic_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px spectral .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/spectral.png :height: 25px :width: 200px spectral_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/spectral_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px spring .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/spring.png :height: 25px :width: 200px spring_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/spring_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px summer .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/summer.png :height: 25px :width: 200px summer_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/summer_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px terrain .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/terrain.png :height: 25px :width: 200px terrain_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/terrain_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px viridis .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/viridis.png :height: 25px :width: 200px viridis_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/viridis_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px winter .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/winter.png :height: 25px :width: 200px winter_r .. image:: ../filestore/colormaps/winter_r.png :height: 25px :width: 200px